Gooney Birds: The main "Native" of Midway Atoll was the Laysan Albatross. AKA Gooney Bird. They were very graceful in flight, but take off and landing were awkward. always landing and crashing on their face, and they needed a runway to get airborne. They were a Protected species, and if you got caught doing anything to them you would get arrested. I was a country boy and I learned to sneak up behind them on their nest and tuck their heads under their wings and put them to sleep like a chicken. It was a challenge as they could do some damage with their beaks and feet. One evening I managed to grab two of them and walked to the barracks with one under each arm. I was met at the door by the Duty Petty Officer, and he informed me if I let them go I would not be arrested for "Molesting the Goonies.".
The Goonies had quite a mating ritual and we learned to mock it. walking around in circles facing each other, our arms tucked at our sides like wings flapping them and bobbing our heads up and down, then stretching our necks head way back making their honking sound. We would always do this when newbies came aboard. One night a party from the St. Louis Zoo came to capture some to try to put in their zoo. I volunteered and we caught maybe 6 or 8. But they cannot be kept in captivity.
Freaking out Newbies:: We had a Jewish guy named Myra and an Italian named Mento, they loved to freak out newbies by acting gay. but not right out in public. 1. A bunch of us invited some newbies to a card game in our cubicle. We had a day sleeper in our cube and his rack had a blanket hanging to block the light. Well Myra and Mento had climbed into the bunk and were waiting. Soon they started whispering things. and making kissing sounds. rocking the bunk. The Older guys just kept playing cards and the newbies kept looking at the bunk, and making weird faces. Well the Duty Officer picked this time to make an appearance, and Myra and Mento couldn't help but bust up laughing. He pulled the blanket back and they had to explain their actions. Another time 3 newbies reserves arrived, college students, they were all placed in the same cube, and that night Myra and Mento went into their act outside that cube. All along the barracks heads were watching over the top walls of the cubes to see the show, It took a while but all of a sudden there heads popped over the cubicle wall to see the guys standing about 3 feet apart kissing the back of their hands and talking dirty.. we all bust out laughing.
The Beach:: Midway had a beautiful white sand beach. Swimming was great, and snorkeling was a blast. Next to the Club it was the best place on Midway.Sun and Sand year round. Fishing was good, and we had a great recreation area there. Picnics and Parties, Steaks and Hot Dogs. Boston Whaler boats were available to rent. It was truly a pacific paradise. After bad weather we would walk all around the shoreline and find things washed up. Debris from the ocean, from passing ships, and all the way from Japan and other places. Saki Bottles, pop bottles, beer bottles, floats of many kinds. Our Favorite was the "Fish Balls" and before you say "I didn't know they had any!" these were glass balls used to float fishing nets by the Japanese.
We would gather these and "Net" them in Macrame and sell them to others. Going prices was $1.00 an Inch by circumference. The biggest I netted was 50" around. They would come in different sizes and shapes.
Stories: I was sitting in my cube, listening to country music. I was an SKSN (E-3) at the time. The Duty PO was an SK3, the same one I had had run ins with before. He came to my cube, and said "I Can't believe you listen to the Shit!!" I explained that this was My music I had grown up with and I enjoyed it. I understood he was a college kid from New York and had different tastes. He said "Well You could try to BETTER Yourself!!" That did it I jumped up grabbed him by the neck threw him against the wall with his feet barely touching and explained to him. "If you ever try to say you are better than me because of my raising, I will kick your freaking a$& . You may be a college student, from NY but you are no better than anyone else on this base!!" I dropped him he hit the floor and I walked away. He said nothing more and after that he was a nicer guy.
I grew up a lot on Midway, taught some and learned some, and when I returned I realized I was now taller than my dad. It was an interesting year and I have great memories from it.