Monday, June 13, 2011

Veteran of the US Navy

   I joined the US Navy in February 1967 under a plan that allowed me to be inactive reserve for 120 days before reporting to boot camp.  This allowed me to gain "Time in service" towards pay raises and such things.  I went to AFEES in Los Angeles, and took my physical, and exams and was sworn in as a member of the United States Navy. My decision to join the Navy was based on the Vietnam Conflict, many of my friends had been drafted and I did not want to go into the Jungle so choose Navy for my Service to Country.  Plus I needed a secure way to leave home and still survive.   I then went home and waited to report to duty.  I was employed at the time by Holtville Alfalfa Mills Inc. a tractor operator, I had been there since September 1966. It was a low paying job but it was an income.  I did not like the fact that it was 7 days a week, and wanted something better.

     During my wait to report, I ran afoul of the law, A friend and I went out and managed to get a guy to buy us a couple of 6-packs and commenced to get drunk.  Both of us trying to impress the other with our badness, we went on a vandalizing spree. As I look back on what we did I am totally ashamed that I had any part of it. We poked holes in the radiators of a couple of Caterpillar tractors, dumped oil and diesel in irrigation water, and just were complete a-holes. We also stole a few things and had them in the backseat  of my 56 Ford.    During our spree of stupidity, we had picked up 2 Coleman camping lanterns and a can of fuel. No doubt the property of the irrigator we ran across later. My friend decided he wanted the irrigator's wrist watch, and we were wanting to trade the lanterns and fuel for the watch.  Well due to the language barrier the gentleman thought we were going to burn him and his car if we didn't get the watch.  We left the lanterns and fuel with him and left with the watch.  I took my friend home and headed back to Holtville. Just before the city limits, near the Alamo River, I was surrounded with law enforcement.  Pistols and shotguns drawn they placed me under arrest.  I was booked on felony strong arm robbery.  This was 4:00 am sat morning, and I remained incarcerated until Wednesday. 

    My Dad had always said you get in trouble, get yourself out!!  So I called to let him know where I was and did not ask for help.  During my time in the felony tank. I had lots to occupy my mind. I was in the cell with many felons, including "The Arizona Gunman" that had went on a robbery, killing spree around the area until he got caught. He and another guy were going up on the three strikes deal. Both knew they would be going to Chino State prison and sit and talked with me about prison.  They had me convinced that I was going to Chino, and described the condition's there. They told me to get assigned to the prison farm, as that is where they would be and they would help me break-out with them.  I was scared, I did not want to be in prison. They treated me like I was going to get a long sentence, and as I look back   nit they were trying to scare me to straighten up if I got the chance.

     The county sheriff took a liking to me, and although they had all they needed to convict, he gave my friend and I a chance to get our crap together.  After Talking to him he decided we were just stupid kids and deserved another chance so all charges were dropped. God had his hand on me that day.  The sheriff had me brought to his office many times, one occasion they had busted some underage drinkers at the lake and we watched through his door as the teenage girls in bikinis were booked and released to their parents. At one point the jailer joked that he was going to wear out a pair of shoes transporting me to the sheriff's office.  Going for arraignment, I was handcuffed to a rather large man of African-American descent. He said If I start running you best keep up!!!, I simply said if you start running you will have to drag or carry me cause I ain't running no where with armed guards around!!!
  On Wednesday a bail bondsman came and talked to me about bond, I had half the money, and would have the other half on Friday, so he arranged my bail. He drove me to the field where the company was working and got the payment from my Dad who was holding my money for me.  I never found out who arranged the bondsman, but it was one of three, My Dad, My Uncle Andrew,or the Sheriff himself. After one court appearance, the charges were drooped and I was cleared to go into the Navy.

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