Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Waiting for Boot Camp

  After all charges were dropped in my confrontation with the law.  I did what everybody else was doing. Of course I worked almost everyday, and hung around with Meredith and Wayne at night.  On Sunday after noons we had the drags out at the old navy base, lots of good cars would show there. In fact we actually had a few big name racers compete on special days. Gas Rhonda, was there once and a special car from the Service Center in LA, "Peanuts". the car was a fiberglass bodied Ford galaxy, but was unique in that it was a four door not a two door. It turns out the body was made to shoot a commercial high on a hilltop in the middle of no where, I believe in the monument valley. And had to be put up there by helicopter.  After filming the body was acquired by the service center and made into a drag racer.

      When we had a day off  we would have Hot Dog Roast out at "Wienie Roast Hill" near the old navy base.  This sand hill was a popular place, used by church groups and families to have a good time.  It was just off the old runway, and the sand was packed on the road out to it so plain cars could get out there. the hill itself was a 20 foot or so tall  sand hill sticking up in the middle of no where.  We would play games, do some sand surfing and just visit with friends.

     Other times we would "drag main" in El Centro, Start on the west side at Fosters Freeze, down main to 4 corners turn around at Bakers Burgers, and go back. All the time shouting and laughing. Hollering at the other cars and folks along the street.  Many nights were spent with my girlfriend at the time  Beverly Davidson.  She was a year older and we had many good times.  But we parted ways when I was going into the Navy. I didn't want to tie her down or be tied down for four years.

      A few weeks before I was to report to AFEES, I ran a red light  hitting a pickup, and totalled my dad's 58 Ford. My cousin Meredith and I took a Farmall "H" Tractor to the accident scene and pulled the car back to the house, and my sister Pat came and picked me up until we could call dad and let him know. To say the least he was quite upset, but I survived.

     Finally the day came and I boarded the Greyhound for Los Angeles, and AFEES I spent the night in a hotel, and the next morning I reported in to become an active duty sailor.  I was asked if I had gotten into any trouble while waiting to report, and told them about my incident with the law. The Petty Officer asked what the out come was and I told the truth as I understood it, the Charge were dropped so I could continue into the Navy. Well that did not set well with them, and I had to talk to the Officer in Charge, He listened to my story and said, well if the reason  charges were dropped for to allow me to get into the Navy, then that wasn't good enough and the Navy would not take me. He sent me back to the Hotel for another night and told me to report to him the next morning.  That was where I met the Wiedeman Twins, which are another part of the story later.

    The next morning I reported to the O  in C, and was informed that according to court records charges were dropped because of "Lack of Evidence" I said OK and he sent me out to be processed and began my Tour for Duty with the United States Navy.  Late that afternoon I along with the Weideman Twins, and several other sailors were bussed to Naval Training Center, Recruit Training Command, San Diego California. It was dusk when we arrived, and the NTC Band was marching along the road in perfect formation, as we passed we heard the cry "You'll Be Sorry!!" from one of the band members.  We were taken to a barracks where we would spend our first night as Sailors!!!

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